Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination


Pietro Marco Congedo, Maria-Giovanna Rodio and Julie Tryoen participated in the “Fête de la Science”, concerning flows and renewable energies, Bordeaux, October.

François Pellegrini has many activities related to software law and economic development, which are becoming part of his research activity. Yet, as they do not fit in the scope of the BACCHUS EPI, they are presented here:

  • Talk entitled “The case for creation and innovation vs. ACTA”, S&D Hearing “ACTA: Whose rights does it protect?”, European Parliament, Brussels, April.

  • Invited by the students of the ENSAA engineering school to deliver talks at the JOSENSAA open-source conference, Agadir, May.

  • Presentation of Scotch during the I-Match academics-industry meeting organized by Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, Talence, June.

  • Participation in the round table “Open innovation” at Solutions Linux, Paris, June.

  • Invitation to deliver a talk at the seminar on “Accessibility and Diversity on Internet” organized by the Organization Internationale de la Francophonie in the context of the Internet Governance Forum, Baku, November.

  • Talk “Le droit du numérique : une histoire à préserver” delivered at the Colloque pour un Musée de l'informatique et de la société numérique en France, CNAM, Paris, November (published as [30] ).

  • Co-organization and co-chair of the colloquium “Innovation ouverte et innovation libre” at Conseil Régional d'Aquitaine, as co-president of Aquinetic, Bordeaux, November.

  • Conference on the digital revolution at the Festival du Film d'Histoire de Pessac, Pessac, November.

  • Participation in the colloquium “Le droit au Libre” on libre software licenses, organized by the association of barristers of Toulouse, November.

  • Three hour training on author's right and software law delivered to about thirty academics and engineers. Training day organized by CNRS, Talence, November.

  • Three hour training on software licenses, libre software licenses and interoperability delivered to about forty industry people, mostly from local SMEs. Training day organized by Cap'Tronic, Talence, December.